Understanding Adoption
Adoption is the legal process by which someone other than a child’s biological parents assumes legal responsibility for the child. Once the adoption is finalized, the child is considered a blood relative of the adoptive parent and the relationship between the biological parents and the child are severed.
When most people hear the word adoption, they think of a birth mother giving up her child for adoption to a couple seeking a child. However, adoptions can take many forms. Our law firm routinely handles relative’s adoptions, including by aunts, uncles and grandparents.
Under Arkansas law, the following people may adopt someone else:
- A husband and wife together
- Same-sex couples
- An unmarried adult who is not living with someone with whom they have a sexual relationship
- The unmarried father or mother of the individual to be adopted
- A married person without the other spouse joining as a petitioner (e.g., stepparent adoption)